ONE do not interact if you're a freak / ship incest/pedophilia/abusive ships or sexualise minors. this includes aging minors up for smut/to ship with adults. transphobia/homophobia is not welcome here, especially considering botan is bisexual and nonbinary and that i'm gay and trans.
TWO i’m pro callout within reason. if someone needs to be called out, then this is the best course of action. i try to avoid drama wherever possible, though.
THREE botan is a minor. there will be no sexual content here. other nsfw topics, such as gore and violence, will be. botan's backstory contains child abuse, medical abuse/illness and mentions of assault and religious abuse.
FOUR this blog will contain religious & surreal imagery. everything will be tagged. a lot of it is inspired by jewish and gnostic mythos, as well as occult imagery. both i and botan are jewish ! i ask that mommy/daddy kinks and abo are tagged, even as a joke. i’ll tag anything needed.
FIVE in terms of shipping, i am multiship. all ships are in seperate universes, unless plotted otherwise. ships require chemistry and communication.
SIX botan is canon divergent. she is NOT a genderbend. those are transphobic. her story takes a slightly different path from the male main character's, and has different narrative focuses. it follows the same general story as persona 5 royal, with some small adjustments. please read botan's backstory.
CREDIT: psd , art 1, art 2, header art
with all that said, hi ! i’m mallory, i’m a 20 year old nonbinary gay trans man from the uk. i use exclusively it/its pronouns. i love to make friends ! mutuals are free to ask for my discord.


you aren't , but you don't get a choice in this.
your name is helel. some call you lucifer, or venus, or noctifer. you have many names - but above all, you are the morning star. and you are an angel in heaven : a seraph, a wild thing all made out of light and glory. you're all curiousity, all bright eyed and desperate to know more. this will be your undoing. somewhere along the line, you discover that the god you serve, yaldabaoth, is in fact false, is keeping back humanity for his own twisted desires, did not make the world, and has nothing but selfish thoughts for everything below. you are a kind being, of light and warmth and joy. you do not want this. and so , you are tossed into the darkness of the earth itself.
the stories lie. there is no hell. there is only heaven, and the world below. so you crash downward, before humanity has even had a chance to grow, like a burning light, and the impact splits you in twain : your body and soul snap in two. your body becomes the being known as lucifer, that resides in the dimension known as the metaverse.
your soul is thrown into a human body, and a girl opens her new eyes with an old, old soul.
this is your first life.

your second life is the longest you've ever lived. you live to twenty one. it is in the year - oh , you forget . it is some time in japan, in the 1790s. you see, it took a while for you to be reborn. you are a bright young thing, belonging to a well respected family. you become a dancer, and spin on stage, over and over and over. people watch, in awe. not him, though. he doesn't. you are killed as you come out of the dressing rooms.
your third life lands you in a significantly different life. you are not well respected. and you do not live long. they find you when you are ten, this time, and you are reborn again.
your fourth life, fifth life, tenth, twentieth, thirtieth life - they all blend together. you never live past twenty one. yaldabaoth's faithfuls find you before then. because you are the morning star, fated to destroy yaldabaoth or die trying. ( voices reach out to you, cloaked in dark and silk and blood. godkiller, they whisper. godkiller, bring us our doomsday.
your one hundredth and fourty first life is different. you are born on a cold autumn night in tokyo, in the year 20XX. your name is botan kikyo. theres something different about you.
would you like to know more ?

NAME: kikyo botan (鬼京 ぼたん)
NICKNAMES: bo-chan , bobo , little lamb, morning star
AGE: 16 - 19 ( verse dependent )
BIRTHDAY: november 29st, 20XX
GENDER: nonbinary girl ( she / he )
ORIENTATION: bisexual (female - lean)
HEIGHT / WEIGHT: 160 cm / 51 kg
ARCANA: the fool , the world , the star
PERSONA(S): irene, helel , lillie, wild card
ETHNICITY : japanese / iranian / mizrahi jewish
HEALTH: physical: hard of hearing ( severe , has hearing aids.), narcolepsy. mental: complex post traumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder, undiagnosed psychotic disorder
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral ( good leaning )
HAND DOMINANCE: right handed
ENNEAGRAM: type 1 : the reformer

CODE NAME: aries
MELEE: twin serrated carving meat cleavers
FIREARMS: gatling gun
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: standard japanese , JSL , english (basic) , ESL (fluent)
RELIGION: jewish , practicing .
BUILD: thin , lithe and wirey
HAIR: white / grey, soft but thick. slightly curly, and full of knots. tied into a loose ponytail at school.
EYES: almost just offwhite grey. in the metaverse, they are bright yellow and slit pupiled.
ROLE: leader of the phantom thieves of hearts
LIKES: bugs , birds, survival horror games, flower language, heavy metal music, girls.
DISLIKES: adults, cold weather, rules, liars, people who talk quietly, boys.
ZODIAC: sagittarius sun, capricorn moon, scorpio rising
VOICE: jpn voice claim: chiwa saito, eng voice claim : .tba

i : yael rabizadeh came from america to japan to study abroad at the age of twenty , intending to return home in a few years .everyone knew she was not coming home. she married fast, became a citizen, and in a few years, was expecting a child. hitoshi kikyo, her husband, was somewhat attentive, if slightly bemused. this all changed when the child was born. botan kikyo was born with something terrible in her eyes. she was born with something empty and ancient inside her. she was born, and stared into hitoshi, and the next day his job offered him a job where he’d have to travel around a lot. he took it at once. he only returned for the high holy days. and that was the extent of botan’s interaction with him.
ii : botan, as the reincarnation of helel, was a strange child from the very beginning. he was all scratched knees and gappy teeth. when he was five, yael took him and relocated to the country. as a new, strange outsider, with an unusual appearance, and an unnerving air around her, she did not make many friends. she was also sickly, and hard of hearing , and fell asleep fast, in the strangest places. and then when botan was six, she and yael moved again. again, the same pattern repeated. the only religious place nearby was the local church, who did not take kindly to a young, strange jewish girl. botan was viciously bullied, came home limping. but yael did nothing. in her eyes, botan was a happy, and carefree child, with many friends. botan loved her mother, and did nothing to dispel that image of her yael held in her mind. they moved again. and again. and again. and again. and again.
iii : yael kikyo, in the surface, seemed like a kind, attentive single parent to a sickly child. botan was ill often, and went to the hospital a lot. and yael seemed so worried, so knowledgeable, so concerned. everyone was so supportive, no matter what town they moved to next. who wouldn’t be: a struggling single mother with her ill child - anyone would feel sympathy, right ? yael had munchausen by proxy. munchausen syndrome by proxy is a mental health problem in which a caregiver makes up or causes an illness or injury in a person under his or her care, such as a child, an elderly adult, or a person who has a disability. someone might do this to keep their charge under their control, might have some kind of saviour complex, or to do it to gain sympathy from those around them. yael was all of these. she saw herself as botan’s saviour, and by keeping botan medically reliant on her, she felt in control of him, like she was protecting him. botan constantly being in and out of hospital made her more of a target. and on top of that, she got a reputation for being a disaster magnet. a doomsday cult who had been tracking helel’s reincarnations for generations found her, and would follow her around. a boy with dark bags under his eyes and a nervous disposition who would follow her to every town she went to was her only friend. he’d try to convince her to come home with him. and eventually, she did. what happened there made her away of who she was. what she was. she’d never talk about it, but it happened. and she could never deny it any longer. she was fourteen when she realised the exact amount of what was on her shoulders. the exact weight of the sins she’d committed over thousands of lifetimes. the exact inhumanity she’d always been bearing this whole time.
iv: in ina, nagano, a certain politician was visiting and botan, living there at the time, watched him assault a woman. unable to stand by, she got in the way, and defended herself - as she’d been taught by her mother. she was charged with assault herself, and to her surprise, instead of her mother supporting her, yael was furious, cold, and withdrew herself from botan. botan was sent away on probation to tokyo, the city she’d been born in, to stay with a man called sojiro sakura for a year. labeled as a delinquent, and more than happy to play into that role ( the role she’d been playing her whole life ) , botan settled down in tokyo, still shocked about her mother’s apparent betrayal and change of attitude. a strange app appeared on her phone - she ignored it. she quickly became attached to ann takamaki, and followed her around. the two of them stumbled into the metaverse. upon being captured by kamoshida, something in botan felt the feeling of deja vu , and her fury, her rage, all the anger ( at her mother, at the politician, at this fucking terrible situation , at the world itself ) and awoke to her persona, esther, and defended ann. the two of them found a cat called morgana, who taught them about the metaverse, and how they could change the hearts of rotten adults. and from there, the three of them & ryuji , who joined them later decided to start the phantom thieves of hearts, the change the hearts of the people. and so : botan decided to atone, for sins that someone who bore her heart committed centuries ago.